February 18, 2015 | Comment


Dadi Janki turns 100 years, wow . Congratulations Dadi, you are an amazing spiritual woman. Your message of peace especially, inner peace never cease to reverberate in me and whatever I do and say. May your hundredth birthday be an occasion for the renewal of peace in the world, in your community, between religions and peace with the environment. We live by the grace of God and your life is in God’s hand . As you always say” do not be anxious ” for God knows your special needs at 100 years . When the time comes to meet your Maker, may you also rejoice at the many you have touched with your message . I am one of those who was touched and try to spread this peace. Happy 100 years of faithful living, worship and service to God.

Grace and Peace
Archbishop Thabo Makgoba
Cape Town, South Africa

Filed in: Dadi Janki Message

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