Surrender Ceremony

Setting the Record Straight
Surrender Ceremonies have been described as the “poetry of religion”, symbolic and expressive of one’s values and commitment. In some religions, they take the form of “laws” while other groups consider these ceremonies a matter of etiquette. In all traditions however, such an event is considered a special occasion. Within the Brahma Kumaris global community there are dedicated individuals of all backgrounds, languages, cultures and traditions who are pulled by the love of God to offer their lives in service. To only compare a BK surrender ceremony to a traditional marriage rite obscures the deep reflection and consideration given by those who choose a life of self-surrender and overlooks the valued place of men who also choose this path. For those with families, the Brahma Kumaris encourage living a holistic life within the family and having a pure and spiritual consciousness. This is sometimes compared to the lotus in a pond. Thousands of students who study spirituality as taught by the Brahma Kumaris are “householders,” meaning they live within the context of their families and communities.
A Reflection on Rituals
The Brahma Kumaris Surrender Ceremony: by BK Shireen Chada
Director of Brahma Kumaris, Tampa, USA
I remember my first American football game so well. It was in the early 90s; I was at Texas A&M to do my graduate work ...
Interview with Bhumika Lad and Sheetal Lad
BK Meditation Teachers"Although it may seem to some like an unusual choice, many young men and women choose not to marry and instead to surrender their lives to God and spiritual service of humanity."
Interview with Didi Nirmala
Co-Administrative HeadDidi Nirmala shares her experiences and choice to surrender fully to world service 50 years ago.
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