

The Brahma Kumaris are dedicated to spiritual transformation and service, and most of what appears on the internet about who we are and what we do reflects our deep spiritual commitment. However, for some time there has been a persistent stream of negative and defamatory perspectives on the BK’s, much of it grounded in half-truths or information taken out of context. With this site, aboutbrahmakumaris.org, we want to bring a greater depth of understanding about spiritual knowledge, practice and instrumentality. We also want to clarify the BK’s beliefs, history and practices by providing a view “from the inside out.” We have invited authors who are BKs and some who are not, but who understand the organization to assist in clarifying many of these areas. We hope this site is helpful to those seeking to understand the Brahma Kumaris.

As a large global movement, we have the same complex issues as other organizations, which we try to address through respect for personal growth, upholding spiritual principles and understanding collective karma. And though our community is global, our service day-to-day in over 8000 centers on all continents is with individuals who have elevated aspirations for their own lives and are making personal efforts to meet those aspirations. With the expansion of the organization and the increasing complexity of the world, there have sometimes been lapses at our centers and situations leaving us vulnerable to criticism.

In 2007 we undertook a thorough review of the organization, known as “global functioning.” During this review, we focused on areas of weakness. We examined how we create cultures of care at our centers, put in place mental health teams, renewed our efforts to uphold our own spiritual principles, created mechanisms for reconciliation, and developed training in many areas. This work is ongoing.

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