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World Environment Day is one of the biggest and most widely celebrated global days for positive environmental action! World Environment Day activities take place all year round and climax on 5 June every year, involving everyone from everywhere. Responding to the call to live as global citizens, the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative introduced Sustainable Yogic Agriculture in rural India, a Green Angel seed project in Greece, and collaborates with organizations around the globe to foster greater care for each other and our increasingly fragile Earth.

The Brahma Kumaris has been actively involved in the research and development of alternative renewable energy concepts for more than 15 years. Apart from being an expression of respect for the natural resources and providing sustainable energy for the BK community, it has also been an opportunity to work together with other organisations and institutes to learn and share new technologies for wider use.

In December 2012, Sr. Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris, spoke at COP18 in Doha where she stated that we need to focus on generating the renewable energy of hope which is spiritual, immortal and eternal.

Please read the Brahma Kumaris commitment on the Environment:

Learning to live in Harmony with the environment and each other is among the core spiritual principles of the Brahma Kumaris. We invite you to learn more about the Brahma Kumaris commitment, actions, and innovative environmental practices and to share your thoughts with us.

Learn more about the Brahma Kumaris Climate Initiative:
Learn more about World Environment Day:

Comments (1)

  1. I just want to express my appreciation of the invaluable work done by the BK’s on every level of the human world. It has given me lots of insights as to how to contribute to a better environment by starting with my home and the places I work. Showing an attitude of respect and economy towards materials we use. This has resulted in colleagues seeing the example and following.

    I am convinced that Sr Jayanti’s statement of generating renewable energy of hope is what will lead us to a better world.

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