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Message from Dadi Janki for World Interfaith and Harmony Week 2015

February 2, 2015 | 1 Comment

“Love of God and Love of the Neighbor”

Over the years, I have noticed that human beings are human beings – it doesn’t matter which country or which religion they are from; we all have a similar nature. We all ...

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King Honors Indian Spiritual Leader 

February 2, 2015 | Comment

“His Majesty King Abdullah bestowed the Independence Medal of the First Order on Indian spiritual leader and activist Dadi Janki. She was honored in recognition of her efforts to promote understanding and dialogue among cultures and religions as well as ...

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Oral Presentation by Dadi Janki Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (Transcript)

February 2, 2015 | Comment

WATCH: The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders Opening Ceremony, United Nations, New York, August 28, 2000

Om shanti. First, let us sit in deep silence and in the remembrance of loving Supreme Soul for one second....

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COP20, Wednesday, Dec 10 

January 3, 2015 | Comment

Report from Climate Change Conference COP20 in Lima
Wednesday 10th Dec. – Full day at COP for BK’s

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COP20 Report, Thursday, Dec 4 

January 3, 2015 | Comment

Youth program: On the road to COP21 and beyond. Discover the Youth Climate Action project...

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