BKs – Cult or Community

Setting the Record Straight
Over the years the Brahma Kumaris have been described in many ways. There are a few who have decided to see the BKs more as a cult than a spiritual community. Everyone is entitled to their own perceptions and consequent opinions. Everyone who encounters the BKs and even enters into the community will have a different experience. Everyone will make up their own mind about whom and what the BKs are, which is as it should be. Perceptions are personal. In order to unwrap the variety of possible perceptions and offer you an opportunity to clarify your own perception and understanding of the BKs we have asked Mike George, who has been closely associated with the BKs for over 30 years, to initiate a conversation around this topic.
Over the coming months we will post here a series of articles based on our interviews with Mike about how he experiences and sees the BKs. We invite you to engage with Mike in one of our CONVERSATIONS. Feel free to offer your opinions and ask any questions. Mike will respond as his schedule allows. In this first article he shares some of his own perceptions of how and why the BKs are sometimes described as a cult. Feel free to respond at the end of the article.
Bringing Spirituality into the Family
How is family life affected by the spiritual teachings and practices of the Brahma Kumaris? What happens when children encounter a spiritual path through their parents? Why do some children, who grow up with their parents’ enthusiasm for spirituality, then ...
Who are the Brahma Kumaris – Cult or Community?
by Mike George, Writer and Author of The Immune System of the Soul
ABK = About Brahma Kumaris MG = Mike George
ABK: So are the BK’s a dangerous cult or a harmless organisation?
MG: Well it depends on how ...
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