A Tradition of World Service

Spiritual service to humanity is fundamental to Brahma Kumaris teachings, but it was after the founder’s death in 1969 that the Brahma Kumaris took the world stage. For nearly 40 years, Brahma Kumaris global initiatives in health, leadership, media, education, environment, and community outreach foster spiritual growth among individuals from all backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life.

Frank Whaling’s Interview

How do you see Brahma Kumaris engaging with the world?

Frank Whaling is Emeritus Professor of the study of religion, University of Edinburgh

Renaud Russeil: Journalist in Environment and Health (France)


Life means connections, relationships in four different forms : human, animal, vegetable and mineral. Nature reveals to us that the frame for each form of life is a cycle. The end of each cycle coincides with the beginning of a new cycle. Today, the relationships between human life and other forms of life are broken. To break a relationship in this context means to break a cycle of life, it is an expression of violence opposing the very nature of Life.Read More

Leading up to COP 19 in Warsaw 2013

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United Nations 19th Conference on Climate Change is taking place in Warsaw Poland from Monday 11th to Friday 22nd November 2013. For the Brahma Kumaris it is the 6th COP (Conference of the Parties) to participate in as an observer organization. At this Warsaw gathering, world leaders will work towards developing a climate initiative to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Participants intend for the new plan to be operational by 2020.

The urgency of these Climate Change negotiations in November 2013 requires our most profound vision and selfless action. The position paper of the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative states, “What is needed now is a profound shift in global awareness …we have to include the inner dimension if we want to transform the quality of the conversation and the agenda for action among stakeholders”.

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Brahma Kumaris Press Release on Climate Change

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BK Environmental Commitment

Background to the Peace Award presented to Sister Jean

by the United Nations Association of Guyana on September 21, 2013

Our relationship with the United Nations Association of Guyana (UNAG) began in 1998. That year marked the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. October 24 was United Nations Day. In support of these, an innovative project called “the Peace Link” was created. The essence of it was to have a powerful, nation-wide minute of silence, spent in the unified thought of good wishes for the well being of each other. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) bought into the idea immediately, as it promised to promote peace and respect for human rights. They offered to fund it. As a result of the funding, the project exploded into a large publicity campaign, utilising radio, television, print media, government networks, and the help of many inspired organisations. As the time approached, some radio and television stations and newspapers did a countdown to the day and the minute. The radio played peace songs. At the designated minute, some radio and television stations went silent. When the minute passed, there were reports of organisations and individuals, from shoppers in the market to the President, who stopped all activity for the minute, some moved to the point of tears.

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Renaud Russeil: Journalist in Environment and Health (France)


Life means connections, relationships in four different forms : human, animal, vegetable and mineral. Nature reveals to us that the frame for each form of life is a cycle. The end of each cycle coincides with the beginning of a new cycle. Today, the relationships between human life and other forms of life are broken. To break a relationship in this context means to break a cycle of life, it is an expression of violence opposing the very nature of Life.Read More

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