Acerca de Brahma Kumaris
“It is one thing to describe the Brahma Kumaris. It is another thing to understand them. The story of the Brahma Kumaris is the story of the rise of a community.”
– Frank Ballenera, Professor Emeritus
Universidad de Edimburgo
Autor, Understanding the Brahma Kumaris (2012)
Initially it was the founder himself, Dada Lekhraj who held meetings in his home to “discuss and seek truth”, according to Frank Whaling, author of Understanding the Brahma Kumaris (2012). How those early meetings grew to become a global community of more than 900,000 individuals on every continent is a 20th century phenomenon that defies easy description. That the organization is also led by women has surfaced both wonder and opposition since the organization’s founding in 1936. ¿Quiénes son los Brahma Kumaris? How is the organization funded? What does the organization do? How is the organization structured?
Brahma Kumaris centers are registered in countries around the world according to the laws and procedures of each host country, and BK centers act with local autonomy. Currently, there are more than 900,000 individuals enjoying courses and programs at 8,500 BK centers in 110 countries on every continent. The global headquarters is in Mt. Abu, India. Regional headquarters are located in the United Kingdom, EE.UU., and Australia and organize activities in various parts of the world. By liaising with each other and the global headquarters, the result is an overall harmonizing of global diversity.
What holds an organization of this size together are the ideals and directions stated in the global charter.
BK centers are typically funded by the generosity of individuals who wish to support the activities of the organization. Courses and programs are offered free of charge as a community service.
John Levoff
Hollywood Producer John Levoff discusses his trip to Mt. Abu for the Call of the Time Dialogue and how he learned to “get internal” and “know ourselves as souls”