Julho 26, 2014 | 3 Comentários


Querida Família,

Estamos felizes em compartilhar a notícia sobre Brahmakumaris Chief “Dr.Dadi srophy” sendo conferida “Bharat Gaurav Award” na quarta-feira 23 Julho 2014 na Câmara dos Comuns. Londres, em presença de dignitários de todo o mundo.


Devido à sua falta de saúde, Rotação. Dadi ji não podia viajar para o Reino Unido para receber o prêmio pessoalmente, portanto, em seu nome o diretor europeu da Brahma Kumaris Didi Jayanti ji’ recebeu o Prêmio. Presa com este e-mail são fotografias de Cerimônia de Premiação.


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Comentários (3)

  1. Barbara Bohni

    Can anyone explain what a Bharat Gaurav Award is given for? Is it an International award? It sounds like something given in India, but why is it given by the House of Commens in London? Isn’t this a British Government Office Building/Institution?

    • Moderador

      The Bharat Guarav Award is organised by the All India Human Welfare Council and they give awards to those who have done outstanding work in the community. It is not clear from the site whether the awards are restricted to Projects in India, but appears to be. The organisers chose the House of Commons to give the award. It is possible for organisations to use a room in the House of Commons or the House of Lords to hold meetings, as long as they get an MP or Lord to agree to host the meeting. The website is: bharatguaravaward.com

      • Moderador

        Many people find it difficult to understand the idea of the Cycle as taught by the Brahma Kumaris. The reason the Cycle is important is to help us understand how we – and the whole world – change over time. We call this process “Drama.” You can read more about this on the BK International website.

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